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WriterStats Chain Sessions

Your WriterStats Instance allows you to run chain sessions - groups of sessions with automatic breaks and final leaderboards! These sessions can be scheduled for the future, more on which can be found on this page.


As of WriterStats Version 4, you can now interact with chain sessions using WriterStats, WriterStats Lite and other instances!

Starting Chain Sessions

A chain session can be started using the /chain start command! There are several options to fill out, and not choosing any will result in the default values for the bot being used.

The various options for the command are shown below:

  • session_length: Optional. How long you want each session to be, in minutes. Can be up to an hour long. Defaults to 15
  • session_count: Optional. How many sessions you want to run. Can be up to 5. Defaults to 2.
  • start_delay: Optional. How long you'd like to wait before starting the first writing session. Defaults to 5 minutes. Maximum of 30 minutes.
  • chain_delay: Optional. How long you'd like to wait between writing sessions. Defaults to 5 minutes. Minimum of 2 minutes. Maximum of 60 minutes.
  • end_delay: Optional. How much of the chain_delay you'd like to spend waiting for results. Maximum of 59 minutes. Must be at least 1 minute less than the chain_delay. Defaults to 4 minutes.
  • mid_leaderboards: Optional. Whether or not you'd like to have a leaderboard after every session. Defaults to no.

Interacting with Chain Sessions

  • You can join and leave a session of a chain sessions as you would with any normal group session, using /session join and /session leave.

  • To complete a session in a chain session, use /session complete, which is identical to the regular implementation apart from the join_next field. This determines whether or not you'll be auto added to the next session and is true by default.

  • To view information for the current session of the chain, use /session info.

  • To view information for the chain as a whole, use /chain info.

Ending a Chain Session

The creator of a chain session or a WriterStats server moderator can cancel it using /chain end. You can also post a leaderboard for all completed sessions in the chain by passing in "Yes" for the post_leaderboard option of the command.