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WriterStats Statistics

WriterStats allows you to view statistics for your writing over several different periods, allowing you to see your progress over time.

Statistics can be viewed for both your user as a whole and for specific projects. Read on to learn how to access them!

User Statistics

To view user statistics, you may use the /stats suite of commands. The subcommands for this command are detailed below.

General Format

There are four types of statistics you can view:

  • Daily - /stats day
  • Weekly - /stats week
  • Monthly - /stats month
  • Yearly - /stats year (Patron Exclusive)

Each of these statistics commands has three subcategories:

  • today/current: The option to view statistics for the current day/week/month/year.
  • yesterday/last: The option to view statistics for the previous day/week/month/year.
  • find: The option to view statistics for a specified day/week/month/year.

Select one of these commands and provide the required information to view your statistics for that period! If there are less than 15 sessions in this period, you will be provided with the option to view a session-by-session summary for your writing.

Statistics Between Any Two Dates


Statistics for custom periods are a patron-exclusive feature! Learn more about becoming a supporter using the /support command or by visiting the Support WriterStats page!

You can view the statistics for any given period using the /stats between command, providing the first and last date for the period you wish to view using the DD/MM/YYYY format.

Project Statistics

Viewing project statistics is identical to viewing user statistics, with the only difference being the need to provide a project's name using the project_name option of the command.


You can set your active project using the /project set active command!

What's Next?

You have now learned how to view your writing statistics! Move on to learn about all of WriterStats' other features, such as goals, leaderboards, events and other commands to help with your writing.