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Individual Sessions

An individual session allows you to write in both an open-ended or a timed manner, allowing you to stay on task and achieve your writing goals for the day.

Starting an Individual Session

An individual session can be started using the /session individual command! There are several options to fill out, and not choosing any will result in an open-ended, no-timer session being started.

The various options for the command are shown below:

  • session_length: Optional. How long you want the session to be, in minutes. Defaults to 15 minutes. If you want more detailed control, you can use the hours/minutes/seconds format. All 3 fields must be provided.
  • random_length: Optional. Let WriterStats pick a random length for your session, based on your criteria! Pick from the options provided.
  • starting_count: Optional. The number of words you are starting with. This overrides your project wordcount when calculating your net change at the end, but does not directly change it.
  • project_name: Optional. The name of the project you wish to write in. This sets your active project, and defaults to your active project.

You cannot fill out both the session_length and random_length fields!

Completing an Individual Session

An individual session can be completed using the /session complete command, which is detailed on the Completing a Session page.

What's Next?

You have now learned how to run an individual session! Move on to the next page to learn about one of WriterStats' most popular features: Group sessions!